Monday, April 24, 2006

Vishtamar Bugged

Vishtamar has a DoT, it's a real tank killer, called Vishtamar's Corruption. Reduces AC by 600, decreases Aggro by 95% and changes max hp total by -75 and lasts for 5 minutes.

It is blocked if you have Steeloak on you.

Post made by Prathun, EQ Designer, on April 24, 2006:
Vishimtar has always had that spell.

I'll check on the stacking and see if it is getting blocked by a buff. At this point, the fight's hard enough without adding in any extra complications. I'd rather just remove the effect than "fix" it and drastically increase the challenge of an already difficult battle.

You know, this kind've reminds me of when we were doing 6th anniversary fabled events. While looking at Venril Sathir, we discovered that he had 2-3 unique detrimental spells created specifically for his fight that he can't cast. They've never worked because they cost mana to use and he doesn't have any.


The full thread on Sony's forum is here.

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