Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hotfixes and Veteran Reward Problems from Welcome to EverQuest In-Game Window

HOTFIX - March 23, 2010
- Corrected an issue causing the Distribution Facilitator to not give a gold abacus to everyone who needed one.

HOTFIX - March 25, 2010
- The Tribunal's most wanted have lost their ability to land furious blows.
- Lowered the aggro and assist ranges of many NPCs in Convorteum.
- Changed the locations where a Clockwork Magma Meter MCMXCIX stops in order to reduce the duration and difficulty of his quest.

Message of the Day
We are still working to correct the ongoing issues with players' Veteran Reward time, and appreciate everyone's patience while we resolve this issue. At present, CS is only able to update Veteran Reward time for accounts which have purcased a 1-2 year supscription and have not yet received their first years' time.

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