So after doing some checking, it seems this is real, and is a problem..
However.. There will be a simple way for people to receive the items necessary without having to petition. - Elidroth, EQ Designer
We are implementing something to allow people to NOT have to carry all the myriad parts of these quests around all the time taking up inventory space.
This same system will actually allow people who have lost the item, or in this case did not receive it due to some missing data, to also get the item if they have completed the appropriate content (quest, mission... or whatever the appropriate content was)
There will be more information on this in the future. - Dev-Ngreth, EQ Designer
it is mostly done, it just needs some testing and confirmation that it works.
Assuming it works properly, it should go in shortly after launch. (since it is all but done) We are just in lockdown to try and prevent last minute changes from causing bugs. - Dev-Ngreth, EQ Designer
There wasn't a chance to get this NPC tested before launch. We chose to hold it until after launch rather than send it live undtested. We'll get it in soon. - AbsorEQ, EQ Asst. Lead Designer
The full thread is here.
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